• Our mission is to help people save time to better access the diverse vibrant culture, history, and offerings of New York City by providing unforgettable immersive cultural experiences that offers an insider's perspective of the multicultural fabric of the city.

  • Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion is an integral part of our mission to provide exceptional and enriching travel experiences to everyone. By embracing diversity, promoting equity, and fostering inclusion, NYC STAR HOSPITALITIES aims to create travel experiences that are memorable, enriching, and accessible to all. We believe that through these efforts, we contribute to a more interconnected and understanding world.

    **Diverse Perspectives:** We recognize the value of diverse perspectives and understand that our team and customers come from various backgrounds. Our tours begin with land acknowledgement to the Lenape people, the first habitants of NYC, then the city’s infrastructure and development built by enslaved Black Africans, and the importance of immigration and migration that continues to take care of the infrastructure and development of the city.

    **Equitable Access:** We are dedicated to providing equitable access to our services for all individuals. We strive to eliminate barriers and create an environment where everyone, regardless of ability, socio-economic status, or any other characteristic, can participate in and enjoy our tours.

    **Inclusive Experiences:** Our tours are designed to be inclusive and respectful of different cultures, traditions, and identities. We are committed to creating experiences that celebrate diversity and promote a sense of belonging for every participant.

    **Continuous Learning:** We understand that building an inclusive environment is an ongoing process. We are committed to continuous learning and improvement, regularly reviewing our practices and seeking feedback to enhance our initiatives.

    **Safe and Respectful Spaces:** NYC STAR HOSPITALITIES is dedicated to creating safe and respectful spaces for everyone involved in our tours. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of exclusionary behavior will not be tolerated.

    **Community Engagement:** We actively engage with the communities we visit, respecting local customs and traditions. We strive to be responsible tourists, leaving a positive impact and contributing to the well-being of the places we explore.

    **Accountability and Transparency:** We are committed to being transparent about our initiatives and progress. We hold ourselves accountable for creating an inclusive environment and welcome feedback from our customers, partners, and staff.

  • We are committed to sustainable practices of responsible tourism to minimize our environmental impact and contribute positively to the communities we serve. We actively support local businesses, artists, and community organizations, promoting economic empowerment and sustainable development. We encourage responsible behavior among our clients, promoting respect for local customs, traditions, and the environment. We strive to create meaningful connections between our clients and the local community, fostering cultural exchange, respect, and mutual understanding.